Emergency Preparedness
Map Your Neighborhood
The Washington Square Neighborhood Association is currently updating its emergency neighborhood information following the Red cross “Map Your Neighborhood” program.
This information will be a great resource for all Washington Square Neighbors in the event of a disaster. It will only take a few minutes and it could help neighbors save your life and those of your loved ones during the first golden 60 minutes of a disaster response.
After completing the form as a thank you, we will provide a link to download The Nine Steps To Follow Immediately After a disaster! ” As well as an “OK & HELP” Card for your window that we urge you to print out and keep with your emergency kit. As well as bonus Info and links on what to stock up on to be prepared for a disaster.
- Results will only be shared with participating neighbors and this info will only be shared with fellow neighbors per the street section they live on.
- The WSNA emergency Committee will keep the master list and only share with first responders.
- This is a living document. It will consistently be updated when neighbors contribute/update info
- Once a year in September for emergency preparedness month the info for your street will be printed, updated and distributed to participating neighbors.
- Please have only one member of your household submit information
If you have any questions please feel free to email us at Washsqpasadena@gmail.com
*Please Click on the Map Your Neighborhood image below to start.
If you have trouble the form can also be accessed using this link https://forms.gle/5gKWVdbyWVqePJqM6