Hey everyone welcome to fall and to this year’s annual Washington Square scarecrow contest! Wait..what’s that? You didn’t think it was happening this year? Of course it is after all we couldn’t disappoint all the neighbors. Plus ya know it’s annual!
This will be our third year running the contest and we are excited to see all this year’s entries! The winner will receive a $100 in cash, a trophy, and of course as always top bragging rights for the best-scarecrow in Washington Square! So, without further ado… drum roll please.
This year’s suggested theme is ” Let’s all go to the Movies”

Contest Map (Entries will be added to the map as they become available here)
Possible examples could be Coco, Hocus Pocus or Nightmare on Elm Street. However, the movie doesn’t have to be spooky it can be any genre. The important thing is that you have fun with it and follow the rules below to be eligible.
The Rules:
1.) 6 x 6 SQUARE FEET. that is the max size allowed for participating neighbors to decorate their display. If you want to decorate a larger space go for it. But only decorations within the 6′ x 6′ area are to be judged. This will help to keep the competition fair to those who may have smaller yards.
2.) PRIZE $100 CASH & TROPHY: To qualify for the prize each entry must contain “W.S.N.A STRONG” somewhere incorporated with your scarecrow display.
3.) DEADLINE: The completion of your scarecrow entry needs to be done by October 29th at 6pm. However, the sooner you have your scarecrow up the more chances for neighbors to see it and vote for it.
The winner will be announced on October 31st at 3pm! Via Zoom at this link! https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87853680618?pwd=cVl5RnpEUzdMdlRQU1N5dmhxa21LZz09
4.)JUDGING: The Judges are all of you! This year we also have some options for voting to make it easier. Neighbors can download their ballot HERE, fill it out and drop off at at 1131 Palm Terrace or they can email the WSNA with the address of who they are voting for. No matter how you vote all ballots must be dropped off or cast by Oct 30th at MIDNIGHT!
4a.) Only one ballot per household is allowed and you are not allowed to vote for yourself.
5) TO ENTER CONTEST: Simply email WASHSQPASADENA@GMAIL.COM to register. Letting us know your name and address. This way we can add your scarecrow to the contest map so neighbors can find your yard!
The Washington Square Neighborhood Association.
One Response
I’d like to suggest that we have a place for each participant to share photos of their entry so that everyone who votes sees all of the entries. I wish we could go back to doing the group walkthrough, even if masked and socially distanced so that we can make sure voters see all of the entries before voting.