Announcing: The WSNA 2023 Scarecrow Contest

Greetings Washington Square Residents,

October has always been a magical month, The trees begin to change, the mornings become a little crisper, and the aroma of pumpkin spice seems to float from every coffee cup. 

We’re also reminded of the past and traditions that bind us, and one of the most cherished of these new traditions is our WSNA Annual Scarecrow Contest!

As we celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Washington Square Neighborhood Association, we are thrilled to announce the theme for this year’s WSNA Annual Scarecrow Contest. Without further ado, this year’s theme is “Historical Characters”. We invite you to draw inspiration from any era.  Be it leaders, explorers, artists, thinkers, or celebrities. 

This tradition has always been a testament to our community’s creativity and unity, and we can’t wait to see the marvelous figures from the past come alive in Washington Square.

Excitingly, this year not only will the 1st place winner receive a $100 cash prize and the coveted WSNA Scarecrow Trophy, but we’ve also introduced trophies for our 2nd and 3rd place victors! Winners will be announced at the WSNA Block Party on Nov 4th!  *There will also be a neighborhood walk and view on Oct 29th. See details below.

Let your creativity shine! But, kindly ensure your scarecrow remains suitable for all age groups. We Look  forward to witnessing history come alive in our neighborhood!

*Map will be updated as entries are registered


 6 x 6 SQUARE FEET is the max size allowed for participating neighbors to decorate their display. If you want to decorate a larger space go for it. But only decorations within the 6′ x 6′ area are to be judged. This will help to keep the competition fair to those who may have smaller yards.

A SIGN STATING:  the date of the “WSN Block Party  Nov 4TH from 3pm – 6:30pm”

PRIZES: 1st Place PRIZE $100 CASH and the coveted WSNA Scarecrow trophy! There is also 2nd, 3rd Place Trophies

TO ENTER CONTEST: Simply email WASHSQPASADENA@GMAIL.COM to register. Let us know your name and address. Along with a photo of your masterpiece! This way we can add your scarecrow to the contest map so neighbors can find your yard!

DEADLINE: The completion of your scarecrow entry needs to be done by October 28th at Midnight. However, the sooner you have your scarecrow up the more chances for neighbors to see it and vote for it.

JUDGING: The Judges are all of you! There are a few options to vote for your favorite. 

a.) WALK AND VIEW:   We will have a walk and view of all the contestant scarecrows on October 29th at 3:00pm with Hot cider and treats.  Meet up at  1135 Heather Square. Come for a treat and join fellow neighbors as we have a walking tour of all the scarecrows entered in the contest. Ballots will be available to vote at the end of the walk. 

b.) Neighbors can also  DOWNLOAD THE BALLOT HERE, fill it out, and drop off at at 1135 Heather Square or they can email the WSNA at with the address of who they are voting for. No matter how you vote all ballots must be dropped off or cast by Nov 2nd at MIDNIGHT!

LIMIT : Only one ballot per household is allowed and you are not allowed to vote for yourself.


 On Nov 4th at the WSNA Block Party! 


The Washington Square Neighborhood Association.


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